We Sell Your Cash Registers



In a day and age where payment processing has become largely digitized and automatic, we still encounter cash registers on a daily basis. In 1879, Dayton, Ohio saloon owner James Ritty invented the first cash register. He has grown tired of dishonest bartenders skimming his profits and pocketing extra income without his knowledge. His invention was a mechanical device designed to track profits, not to offer change, an evolution that would come with time. Ritty sold his company to a business that would eventually become the National Cash Register Company – the major driver of the cash register in the late 19th and early 20th century. The National Cash Register Company introduced multiple mechanical improvements to the machine, such as paper receipts and extra push buttons for currency denominations. What has now become a basic, uninteresting storefront staple was once a thing of beauty with many early cash registers featuring ornate detailing and accents.

Demand Remains Strong

The demand for Cash Registers at auction remains strong.

Miller & Miller is accepting quality consignments of Cash Registers for an upcoming auction.

Free Consultation

For a complimentary appraisal on an individual item or advice on how to sell your entire collection, call 519-662-4800 (Extension 1).